Consultation is available before starting a case. We invite you to
consult with us. There is no charge for an initial phone consultation.
We can schedule the consultation to meet your schedule.
Consultation with James D. Madden, PE, a Professional Engineer, and Forensic Engineering Consulting and Testifying Expert Witness, is available to the client at all times during the work - before, during, and after the investigation, engineering analysis,
reconstruction, report, and any other work on the case.
Use WebSite Search, from the search box located at the top right corner of the next box below, to find a webpage on this website, or a pdf attached to this site. Then use Page Search, 'Control-F', to find the word or words of interest on the webpage. Use the reader function 'Find' or 'Search' on a pdf reader (such as Adobe Reader) to find words on the pdf. Control-F can be also used on the Site Search Results pop-up box to search among the Search Results.
Control F
'Find' word(s) on the page that you are on
‘Control F’ finds specific word(s) in the text on the page. 'Control F' finds words, as well as phrases. 'Control F' can find words from parts of a word, such as 'successful' from inputting 'success'. Generally Control F will NOT find words on web devices like buttons, but it will find words in the text which are also links (those words that are underlined). Ctrl-F works with any web page. But is most useful with a text intensive web page like “Employment”.
Depending on the browser, and its version, a ‘find’ box may appear in a separate box, or in the toolbars near any corner of the main window, top or bottom. Most offer the option to highlight all matching word(s) on the web page. It may say ‘highlight’ - it may be a picture of a pencil.
If you do not have ‘highlight’ checked, ‘find’ will normally find only the ‘first’ occurrence of the word. It may prove to be somewhat of a mystery as to how ‘find’ chose the ‘first’ occurrence of the word, since that particular occurrence may be way down the page, past many other occurrences of the same word. We recommend that you have ‘highlight’ or ‘highlight all’ checked or clicked, if your browser version does not highlight all occurrences of a word automatically. It is a simpler way to find words, and is more transparent in its operation than is the finding of the ‘first’ occurrence of a word, and then moving among the other occurrences of the word. Usually ‘finds’ of different words can be done one after another. But when these ‘finds’ are finished, if it is desired to remove the last highlighting, the page may have to be ‘refreshed’, or the ‘highlighting’ may come off when the contents of the ‘find’ box are erased. Closing the page will also remove the highlighting.
Most ‘find’ boxes offer to allow you to cycle between the highlighted words, or you can just scroll down the page and see them. Both approaches have their merits and drawbacks. With scrolling you have to find the highlighted words as they appear. However, with cycling through the words it may be more obvious where all the occurrences are, but it can be confusing as the web page jumps down (or up) periodically to the ‘next’ occurrence of the word. In particular, in cycling, the occurrences in at least some browsers, are not necessarily taken in the order that they appear on the page, so the page may jump up AND down as you cycle, and word occurrences may be skipped, and cycling may be to above an occurrence of a word, and then down to another occurrence in what appears to be a random order.
Yellow is a popular highlighting color over the word in its original color, often with a second highlighting color to highlight the particular occurrence of the words(s) which is being accessed at the moment. White, with a reverse color, different than the original color of the words, is another approach to highlighting. Some browsers, under at least some conditions, use other highlighting approaches.
Most, if not all, ‘find’ boxes are case insensitive (i.e. case has no effect on the ‘find’ function - for example, upper case letters in the ‘find’ box will yield all occurrences of the word, including all uppercase, lowercase and all mixed case occurrences of the word).
In most, but not all ‘find’ boxes, ‘find’ will find the exact set of letters in the order shown in the box. “Code” will find “code”, “codes”, and any other word with the letters “code”. “Codes” will find “codes”, but not “code”. “Codes and standards” will find “codes and standards”, but will NOT find “codes” or “standards”, if these words are alone in the text. By the way, do NOT use quotation marks in the find box.
Some ‘find’ boxes will be accompanied with options like ‘match whole word only’ and ‘match case’, which will do just that.
Try ‘Control F’ to find all occurrences of a word like “equipment”, “code”, “design” or “facility” in your browser. To find “facility” and “facilities”, type “facilit” only (no “y”), with the “match whole word” option (if available) unchecked.

Buttons do NOT have underlined text. Buttons usually have a square in front of the words [ ■ ] or a different background color from the surrounding area. Buttons may navigate to another section on the same page in the website or to another page on the website. The words should suggest where clicking the button will take the user in the website. Unlike in the past, the buttons usually are not raised [see example below], but rather are usually flat, as in the other examples below.
Often a dark brown button with white lettering will open a pdf version of a file in a separate page in your browser, or a separate browser window, depending on how your browser works. These pdf's are suitable for printing.
Often a orange button with black lettering navigates to another page in this website. This page opens in the same page of your browser. Use the yellow navigation bar at the left of the page to return to the page on which you clicked the orange button.
examples of flat buttons:
The underlined text, and text that becomes underlined when the mouse hovers over the text, within the general text of the page, navigates to other places on the same page, or another page on the website. This text may have a different color background, or it may have the same background color as the other text in the area. Use the yellow navigation bars at the left of the page to return to, or go to, another page in the website .
Links are provided with buttons and linking text. Linking text is either underlined, or shows as underlined when the mouse hovers over the words, depending on the settings of your browser. These links are designed to be convenient for those who like to navigate a website using links. For those who would rather navigate the site without using these links, all of the website is available by using the yellow navigation bars with black lettering, at the left, the left sidebars, to go from page to page, and the scroll bar at the right to scroll down each page.
Navigation on this website most buttons in this section are operational
Analysis &
WebSite Search - the search box is at the right >>>
WebSite Search searches the whole website, but does not highlight the located words on the pages it finds. Use Control-F ('Ctrl'+'F') to search the found webpages when they are opened. Control-F in most browsers will highlight the words on the page, and allow scrolling through the words in order.

Madden Accident Analysis & Forensic Engineering, through its Senior Forensic Engineer, James D. Madden, P.E., a licensed professional engineer, has performed Accident Investigations, Engineering Analyses and Accident Reconstructions for accidents, incidents and cases in the metropolitan areas of Cleveland, Akron, Canton, Toledo, Warren, Youngstown, Mansfield, Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati, Lima, Findlay, Marietta and Steubenville, as well elsewhere throughout Ohio, and the metropolitan areas of Pittsburgh and Erie, as well as elsewhere throughout western and central Pennsylvania, and the metropolitan areas of Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Flint and Port Huron, as well as elsewhere in southern Michigan, and the metropolitan areas of Buffalo and Syracuse, as well as elsewhere in western and central New York state. In many of these areas James D. Madden, P.E. has provided expert reports and testified in the capacity of an Expert Witness in court proceedings, including depositions, arbitrations and/or trials.
Madden Accident Analysis & Forensic Engineering, through its Senior Forensic Engineer James D. Madden, P.E., is available for Accident Investigations, Engineering Analyses, Accident Reconstructions, and testimony in deposition, arbitration and trial, for cases located throughout North America.
There are also notes and suggestions throughout the webpages about using the links, both buttons and linked words. There are also suggestions throught the webpages about using the search box, and Ctrl F (Control F). These items all work similarly to those on other websites.
example of previously used raised button:
■ The Search Box vs. 'Control F'
■ Website Search, use of the Search Box
■ Page Search, use of 'Control F'
■ Examples of Links on Pages on this Website
■ Consultation with Senior Forensic Engineer
■ Links to Other Pages (left sidebars)
click on the underlined squares to link to the subject
Table of Contents for Website & Page Search Page - links to content on this page
If lines of text overlap in this website check the browser zoom setting - reducing the zoom should prevent overlap of lines of text.
If parts of the website are missing or distorted, such as a section of the Left Navigation Bar, or a button, try rebooting the page in the browser, one or more times - click on the circle arrow at the left of the website name [URL].
Madden Accident Analysis & Forensic Engineering
over 30 Years Investigating, Analyzing, Reconstructing & Testifying about Accidents
Forensic Engineering & Scientific Accident Reconstruction
Copyright 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019 by Madden Accident Analysis & Forensic Engineering and James D. Madden, P.E., aka James Madden and Jim Madden.
All rights reserved. This website contains photographs which are licensed with restrictions that prohibit downloading, reproduction, re-publication or re-transmission.
Madden Accident Analysis & Forensic Engineering, through its Senior Forensic Engineer, James D. Madden, P.E., a licensed professional engineer, has performed Accident Investigations, Engineering Analyses and Accident Reconstructions routinely for accidents, incidents and cases located in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and New York, in the technical areas which are noted in this website, as well as providing expert reports and testifying in court proceedings in these states in the capacity of an Expert Witness, including depositions, arbitrations and/or trials, with Forensic Engineering work also performed in, and/or for cases in, Illinois, Maryland, North Carolina, Vermont, Kansas and Utah, with testimony in court in Kansas.
Madden Accident Analysis & Forensic Engineering
1700 West Market Street, Suite 318, Akron, Ohio 44313, or
8803 Brecksville Road, Suite 7-216, Cleveland, Ohio 44141
phone: 440-838-1191 or 440-832-9540, fax: 440-838-1192
WebSite Search sometimes will, and sometimes will not, find whole words from parts of words. But WebSite Search will find two exact words which are separated by other words. WebSite Search responds to some synonyms, but not all. For example, WebSite Search may not respond to a singular word if the website only has its plural, especially an irregular plural (e.g. 'children'). The 'advanced search option' available under the main WebSite Search box and on the search results page offers more flexibility in the search. See 'search tips' on the advanced search option page for assistance. For the most complete search, use singular and plural forms of a word, and variants of a word.
WebSite Search searches the whole website but does not highlight words. Control-F (Ctrl+F) searches only the webpage that is open at the time of its use, but usually highlights words.
Use Control F ('Ctrl' +'F') to find words on the page you are on. In general, 'Ctrl-F' will find whole words from partial words (e.g. 'engineering' from 'engine').
If the searched page is in a different website than this website, to return to this page on this website after opening the searched page, use the browser backspace icon (such as the left-facing arrow in Google Chrome).
For WebSite Search to find a match, sometimes the exact letters and punctuation, or close to that, must be in the search box at right. Add a space after the last letter for a search for an exact word.
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These Specialties are in a website which will open in a separate tab to the right of the current tab. This website in the current tab and the new website will be available side by side.
Safeguards and Warnings are particularly relevant to Specialties listed below
Consumer and Workplace Safeguards & Warnings